Trailer release of Ka and Ki piques the interests
The makers of Ka and Ki have released the trailer and poster and it has piqued up the interest of the people. obviously people do notice peculiar things and with a name like Ka and Ki it will pique the interest of the people. the story of the film is also interesting and quite different. It is about married couple played by Kareena and Arjun Kapoor. Kareena plays role of wife name Kia a classy and corporate woman and she is bread winner of the family, and arjun kapoor plays role of house husband. Yes right he plays role of house husband cooking in kitchen and he is stay at home husband.
KA and Ki is coming from R Balki maker of Cheeni Kum and he has amazing sense of direction and filmmaking. Curious to see the film as it is fun and filled with romance and different story line.